The sea, Aarflot productions

The sea

Aarflot productions in collaboration with D’Orfeu and Marionetas de Mandragora

– a journey for the wee ones

The Frog, The Bird and The little Mouse embark on a journey across and underneath the sea – come and join them!

The performance is the result of the project Hands full og shells, feet full of flowers – a collaboration between the Portuguese companies D’Orfeu and Marionetas de Mandragora and Norwegian company Aarflot productions. The project is inspired by Portuguese and Norwegian folklore and storytelling, and specifically the life and work of Theodor Kittelsen.

The Portguese version, «Conchas», opened in Ilhavo on April 19th and has been touring in Portugal before visiting FiF.

Performers: Idun Losnegård and Lenka Rozehnal

Concept and puppets: Marionetas de Madragora

Music: Ricardo Falcao og Annika Westgård (fiddle)

Direction and adaptation Norwegian version: Franzisca Aarflot and the performers.

Lighting design and technique: Niels A W Jensen

With the support of Fond for lyd og bilde and Pegada cultural.