WORKSHOP Shadow puppet theatre

Shadow puppet theatre workshop Come and explore possibilities and techniques in shadow puppetry. For children and adults alike. Workshop held by Marionetas de Mandragora, in English and Norwegian.

Masterclass i dukkemakeri. Viser maske av mann med åpen munn :foto

Masterclass – enVide neFelibata (Portugal)

Masterclass enVide neFelibata (Portugal) Unconventional puppet baking The masterclass will be held in English. A cheat sheet will be given with tools and materials translations (Portuguese/English/Norwegian) enVide neFelibata has built…

Fra forestillingen Blind av Duda Paiva. Viser stor figur i kjole og en mindre som holder seg for øyet :foto

BLIND, Duda Paiva (NL)

Blind In this new solo work renowned dancer/puppeteer Duda Paiva draws on his childhood, during which he suffered an illness that blistered his body and left him temporarily blind. His…

Coffee at palmine’s

Coffee at palmine’s – puppet theatre at home… Palmine is inviting you for coffee and cake at a private house in Svelvik: Skånegaten 6. There are ten chairs around her…

1 1/2 - forestilling om ensomhet. Viser en dukkefigur av tre :foto

1 1/2, Frida Odden Brinkmann (N)

1 1/2 1 1/2 is a devious performance about loneliness. Antero is a puppet man who wants to start all over again. He wants to create a world in which…

Macbeth - teater Allena. Viser en mann med en termos og en tomat :foto

Macbeth, Teater Allena (S)

Macbeth A beer, a thermos, a tomato and a plate of bangers and mash are some of the characters in this cult performance. Macbeth is performed by a tomato and…

Can paper breathe?

Can paper breathe? How many creatures exist inside a roll of grey paper? How does a paper bag speak? What is hidden in the shadows? Puppeteer and puppetmaker Ragni Halle…

The sea, Aarflot productions

The sea Aarflot productions in collaboration with D’Orfeu and Marionetas de Mandragora – a journey for the wee ones The Frog, The Bird and The little Mouse embark on a…

Grey old men play with matchsticks

Grey old men play with matchsticks H C Andersen’s tale The little girl with the matchsticks is recreated in a humourous and original way in this show, saturated with madness…

«City of free love» by Edvard Munch

«City of free love» by Edvard Munch This is a chance to see some work-in-progress on Edvard Munch’s play about the bohemians of Christiania (the name of Oslo at the…

Fra forestillingen Adormecida. Marionetas de Mandragora. Viser to personer som holder en figur av en kvinne i vakre klær :foto

Adormecida, Marionetas de Mandragora (PT)

Adormecida Have you ever wanted to invent a world of your own, that belonged just to you? A long timeago, people called “spinners” made wool fabric with old-fashioned machines like…

Conchas, Marionetas de Mandragora (PT)

Conchas Join Marionetas de Mandragora from Portugal in their exploration of sea and shore in this show for the youngest children. The inspiration for this project is the universe of…

Fra gateteaterforestilling Generations. Viser flere store figurer ute foran et hus :foto

Generations, Hans C. Andersen (PL)

Generations, Hans C. Andersen (PL) Outdoor show with giant puppets Generations is a street (open air) performance using big puppets and string marionettes. It is about theatre (puppetry) art and…


A humourous and beautiful performance full of surprises Tubes and balls. Shapes in varying sizes. Balls that makes souds and a moving carpet creates excitement and funny situations. The carpets…