Off the Screen - workshop om skyggeteater. Viser to figurer på lys bakgrunn :foto

OFF THE SCREEN – workshop with Vision Mechanics

OFF THE SCREEN Shadow puppetry workshop for professional artists Vision Mechanics are known for their spectacular and beautiful work both indoors and out. They are coming to FiF 2017 with…

Masterclass with Les sages fous

Internationally-acclaimed puppet company Les Sages Fous invites you to explore the wonderful world of wild objects through their unique and unusual approach to puppet-taming. Encounter a lost world where the…

Are you asleep?

Are you asleep? It is bedtime, but your legs don’t want to sleep. Why do we have to sleep? And how do we actually fall asleep? «Are you asleep?» is…

Egg Carton Mania?

Egg Carton Mania? Exhibition, mini performance and workshop for children and adults By Ilona Buraka (Norway/Latvia) Join in and create figures from egg cartons with artist and architect Ilona Buraka.…

Katharinas voices

Katharinas voices Kattas Figurteater Ensemble (Norway) Inspired by the story of Katharina von Bora (1499-1552), who in 1523 escaped from Marienthron monastery to the safety and freedom of Wittenberg and…

Small guy, big flame

Small guy, big flame In this solo show Rasmus Jørgensen presents an epic adventure with small, everyday objects. He tells the story of Eddie, a match looking for his spark…

The Japanese garden

The Japanese garden An adventure filled with images and dance, inspired by the beauty of the Japanese garden. This garden is a miniature world with a very special history. It…

Fra forestillingen Thje Journal. Viser miniatyrfigur i miniatyrhus :foto

The Journal

The Journal – Between Two Hands (Nederland) The Journal is a miniature theatre performance with 40x30cm-large stage, featuring ponderings og a lonely old man whose life i being taken over…

Fra forestillingen Coulrophobia - Two Clowns trapped in a cardboard world. Viser en klovn og et pappeskehus :foto


Coulrophobia by Pickled Image (UK) Two clowns trapped in a cardboard world Dik and Adam are Clowns! They couldn’t fight their way out of a paper bag, let alone a…

Fra forestillingen Tricycle med Les Sages Fous. Viser en mann og en skygge :


Tricycle by Les Sages Fous (Canada) In the city of Trois-Rivières in the Quebec region of Canada, it is not unheard of to bump into elderly travellers on large tricycles…