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A Tarumba (Portugal): This is not Gogol’s nose … but it could be, with a dash of Jaques Prévert

16. oktober 2022 @ 16:0017:00

Bilde fra forestilling This is not Gogol's Nose :foto

Endelig kan vi ønske velkommen til A Tarumba (Portugal)!
I denne forestillingen følger A Tarumba nesen og havner på et skrudd sted langt unna utgangspunktet. Denne surrealistiske collagen er fylt av neser – og av sitater fra blant andre Iggy Pop og Barack Obama, akkompagnert av russiske og franske sanger. Vi befinner oss et sted mellom Melodi Grand Prix og Russland på 1970-tallet. Stilen er i høyeste grad kitsch.

Kunstneriske ledere i A Tarumba er Rute Ribeiro og Luis Vieira. De startet kompaniet i 1993 ut fra et ønske om å spre og promotere figurteater og visuelt teater.
Siden starten har det blitt mange forestillinger og mange turneer for A Tarumba. Kompaniet har spilt over hele Europa, og blant annet i Brasil, Argentina, Pakistan og India. Kompaniet har fått mange priser. De fikk pris for beste dramaturgi under Worlds Festival of Puppet Theatre i Praha, der ble de også nominert til prisen for beste figurteaterspill. Og forestillingene Mironescópio: The Love Machine og This is not the Gogol’s Nose, but it could be… with a dash by Jacques Prévert ble vist i hovedprogrammet under Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionettes de Charleville-Mézières i 2013 og 2019.

Luis Vieira og Rute Ribeiro vil også holde en workshop under årets FiF.

The relevance of having a nose, of not getting one’s nose out of joint, of not sticking one’s nose where it does not belong, of being toffee-nosed or just being nosey!
And what about Jacques Prévert? «To tell you the truth, he did not look like anyone.»
A short form show with an abundance of noses.

Inspired by Gogol’s and Jacques Prévert’s worlds, this production uses objects and paper-made articulated figures to create an original and kitsch collage somewhere between the Eurovision Song Contest and Russia in the 1970s. A surreal performance that offers an excess of noses, pop-culture references and blond people in powerful positions. Absurd situations hide, in filigree, a satirical criticism of the contemporary world. A cadavre exquis of scenes played with nonsense and a bit of surreal vibe.

Even if happiness forgets you a little bit, never completely forget about it.
– Jacques Prévert

We do not know what period this pair belongs, but it seems they are lost in time. They seem to have the power to move the world and manipulate their leaders… They use words as if they were in a game of chess and messing everything. Where are they? In an abandoned campsite or in a decadent amusement park, but with a lot of glitter and full of objects and images? Unusual and hilarious situations follow each other, between the lines we notice the references of this rotating wheel of absurd numbers. But at the end it seems to have the meaning of the world that we are living in, i.e., it doesn’t make any sense. Reality has surpassed fiction. And the most important? The ability to laugh at ourselves and the possibility of reinventing ourselves.

«Luís Vieira and Rute Ribeiro have already accustomed us to the best quality. In addition to bringing artists of great quality to FIMFA, they also give us their shows. This one starts from Gogol and Prévert, in a collage of scenes, mythical characters and popular references that navigate between the Eurovision Song Contest and Russia in the 70s, always with a kitsch aesthetic. It is a kind of cadavre exquis that starts from a curious premise: the world is being dominated by blondes, from Trump to Theresa May, and Putin.”
– Miguel Branco, Time Out, 10 May 2017

“It is with articulated and very funny paper-made articulated puppets that A Tarumba makes the show This is not the Gogol’s Nose, but it could be… with a dash of Jacques Prévert, a journey through the populist bestiary of contemporary politics with a touch of kitsch (…).
In this miscellany of noses, authors, quotations, Russian and French songs, there are plenty of other paper characters. From Juliette Gréco to Camões, passing by Iggy Pop, Serge Gainsbourg or Yves Montand, whose voices come from an old record player placed there, right in front of us. Let us go to this universe related to the Prévert – from Moulin Rouge, free love and freedom, which are a counterpoint to the times in which we live (…).»
– Maria João Caetano, Diário de Notícias, 10 December 2016

«What all these authors have in common, in addition to talent? An enormous creative freedom, a taste for the absurd and the random, an almost surreal frequent tone, a strong poetic density.
Rute Ribeiro and Luís Vieira, which together form A Tarumba – puppets, animated forms and a grain of permanent madness and nonsense – have not resisted having these authors as a source of inspiration for a show that doesn’t recreate none of their works, but which, structured in the spartan rule of the cadavre exquis, refers to them and honors them permanently, even when it is lggy Pop, Barack Obama or any other feline that takes the reins of a universe, that shamelessly and bluntly, has the Great Russia as background (…).”
– João Carneiro, Expresso – Revista E, 10 December 2016

The show premiered on 12th December 2016 at São Luiz Teatro Municipal.


16. oktober 2022




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