Laster Arrangementer

Filmrom: Vision Mechanics (Scotland)

10. oktober 2020 @ 11:0018:00

Fra filmen Ramayana av Vision Mechanics. Viser papirfigur av stort kvinnehode :foto

Kim Bergsagel and Symon Macintyre (Vision Mechanics) have spent many years travelling across India. In 2009 they studied the influence of Indian Shadow puppetry as it left India, crossed to Sri Lanka and the Indonesia and ended in Cambodia. Across all these countries there is one epic tale always that is always told using Shadow Puppets and that is the Ramayana. The Temples that still have shadow puppetry shows may have up to 7 days of celebrations telling the tale in minute detail. Audiences come and go as they please staying for their favourite battle or most romantic love scene.

This 5 minute version tries to encapsulate the main themes and characters of the tale. The puppets are all hand cut and coloured .


Fossekleiva Kultursenter
Bergerveien 2b
3075 Berger, Norge
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409 17 860
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10. oktober 2020
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